Friday, October 18, 2013

This Week's "Menu"

Sooooo, when I said last week that I would soon be doing without a formal meal plan to use up the food I've already got stored around here I honestly didn't think it would be the following week.

But such is life I guess!

It's no secret that despite the relatively small stomachs around here that I cook Big.  I like big meals.  I like knowing that everyone can eat their fill.  And I like leftovers.  But know that for every Big Meal you've seen in the past few months on my meal plans, more often than not at least half to two-thirds of that dish was stuck in the freezer.  It's really an awesome way to stock up!

However at some point I need to seriously use up what's in there.  And when I went to find room for the lasagnas I just made up, it became seriously obvious that I need to clean things out before I can keep adding.

At a glance I know that I have half a dozen meatloaf muffins hiding in the kitchen freezer.  They're right next to the bag of meatballs and the carton of bacon sauce.  From our deep freezer, I already pulled out a container of black bean quesadilla filling to thaw, and noticed a few things of potato soup tucked away that need to be eaten soon.  I also seriously need to pull out the two turkey carcasses and make some stock to use for soups and whatnot this winter.  That will free up lots of space!

And this is just what I have cold.  I'm quite proud of how well-stocked I keep my pantry and know that I could whip up just about anything at a moment's notice.  Between the giant tubs of various pastas, cans of beans, several varieties of grains (regular rice, basmati rice, arborio rice, quinoa,...), vinegars, ready-made sauces, ...dinner really doesn't have to involve a frantic run to the store.  In fact, I'm already thinking some Chicken Biryani would be quite yummy this week.

So yeah...because I have other recipes I'm dying to make up and add to my freezer, I need to make some space first.  And this is the week to do it!  Wish me luck as I attempt to take on this week without a plan...I just might need it. ;)
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